Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Dancing has played an enormous role in my life for the last nine years. My passion for music first started at a very young age. When I was around five or six I would always sing and dance to songs on the radio.

Eventually I decided to join a cheer team around the age of five. I didn't find much of an interest in cheering. So after a few months of cheerleading, I was with my Aunt Lillian when we saw an ad on dance classes for beginners starting that summer at a studio called Broadway Bound. I so ecstatic to start something new and meet new people, but I was also nervous that I wouldn’t be good enough. 

After a few weeks of impatiently waiting summertime finally came around. I had so many butterflies on the way to the studio. When I arrived to the studio we started out on basics like pirouettes, then splits and dances. After that day I’ve loved dancing ever since. Now I compete at different competitions, do solos, go to dance conventions, and many other things. We actually just had a competition on Sunday that we did great at, and I can’t wait for the next one. 

We are doing a jazz, hip hop, lyrical, and tap dance, and I’m doing a hip hop solo.Everybody at the studio aren’t just friends, it’s like we are a family. I think dancing has and always will have a big impact on my life and the decisions that I make in life. Dancing and music is something that I have a strong passion for. When I dance it helps me to clear my mind of all things, and it makes me happy. Dancing also helps to keep me in shape. It gives me something to do instead of going around and doing crazy things. I love dancing and I hope I can keep doing it for even more years to come, this is 
why I chose to do my blog on dance.
Citation: The picture is available at: http://www.signaturedanceacademy.com/


  1. This reminds me of when I used to take and compete in dance. Dance is a passion that your heart has to be dedicated in order for you to pursue your dreams.

    1. You're right about that. Dancing is something that requires passion and hard dedication.

  2. I loved taking dance when I was younger. I remember the competitions and the insane backstage atmosphere. What will you bring to your readers with this blog?

    1. I'm sorry I forgot to add what the readers will be learning, but my readers will learn about what it's like being a dancer. I will also be blogging about different competitions I will be attending.

  3. My little sister is 5 now and she was in dance, she was at Broadway Bound like you were/are. She LOVES to dance and she is amazing at it for a 5 year old.

  4. I think it is very interesting learning about how dancing has influenced your life. Sounds like you really enjoy dancing. I myself can not dance at all. But I bet you are really great at dancing.

  5. This is interesting blog topic. Good job, I just wish I could dance.
